About Norilia

Photo: Sune Eriksen

Norilia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nortura with the purpose to take care of and utilize co-streams, plus-products, from the meat and egg industry to contribute to a profitable and sustainable agriculture. Their work is based on more than 60 years of experience, and today they export to the entire world.


Norilia Nordic is owned by Norilia AS and Himmerlandskød A/S.

Norilia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nortura with the mission is to take care of and utilize plus-products from the meat and egg industry, to contribute to a sustainable and profitable agriculture.

Finding the plus in plus-products

Norilia's business is based on raw materials from Nortura and independent abattoirs in Norway and Sweden. Co-streams, or plus-products, make up around 35% of all biomass received by the meat industry from animals and eggs. Plus-products are therefore very important resources for value creation – and creating value from these products is exactly what Norilia does. Norilia sells 150,000-160,000 tons of plus-products per year, and create added value through our competence, collaboration, and innovation.

Norilia has an international focus, with products in nutrition and ingredients, pet food, natural casings, offal, bone and meat products, hides and skins, and wool. Today, they have nearly 50 employees and a turnover of around 500 million Norwegian kroner, with 70% from export.

More than 60 years of experience

Nortura has worked with plus-products since the 1950s. Wool, hide and skin, and natural casings were among the first products groups established. Norilia was established as a separate company in 2000, with full responsibility for sales and value creation for plus-products from all livestock species.

Finding new solutions

The world demands greener and more sustainable solutions. Norilia aims to contribute to help solving some important societal challenges, and focuses on solutions for better health, more sustainable food production, and sustainable materials.

Sustainability, innovation, and quality are at the core of everything they do. Norilia is always looking for new, innovative ways to increase the usage and value of plus-products and are flexible in finding the best solutions in collaboration with customers and partners.

You can read more about Norilia here
